Most of the salespeople I work with when conducting sales coaching for companies have an aversion to closing. For some reason they seem to have a fear of asking for the business.

This fear of closing is usually due to the salesperson believing that closing is a “once off hit” and that the customer will either say yes or no. Further to this the salesperson believes that customers will only say no. This is based on their previous experience when closing. It’s a case of cause and effect. Because the salesperson does not close effectively they usually get a negative response when asking for the business.

This is tip #3 out of 6.

3. Greeting. Focus on what you are going to say.

There are two places that you can’t hide behind when customers are looking at who you really are, your eyes and your voice. These are the two most important factors in your greeting.

If you don’t make eye contact with your customer when greeting them they will not trust you. Having eye contact with your customer helps you to make a “connection.”

Voice tone depicts your attitude. Good or bad, positive or negative,enthusiastic or not. Are you here because you have to be here or because you want to be here? You voice relays this message to your customer.

Smile, look your customer in the eye and say “nice to meet you”.

All you want to do right now is focus on the one thing that you are busy with and that’s the introduction. Selling is a process, so don’t start thinking about the end result now. Don’t worry about your presentation or possible objections or the price or closing.

Just focus on the greeting.


© 2019 Ray Patterson. All materials, images and contents contained herein are the intellectual property of Ray Patterson and may not be copied, reproduced, distributed, displayed, adapted or modified without Ray Patterson’s express permission. Any unauthorized copying, reproduction, distribution, display, adaptation or modification will amount to copyright infringement.